“Lines Dancing” on Amazon

“Lines Dancing” is now available on Amazon, though not yet as a downloadable e-book. The direct link is


or you can search for ‘Lines Dancing’ and ignore the books about line dancing!

Back from the UK

Just back from a fantastic month-long visit to the UK, taking in London, Devon and the Channel Islands. We revisited old haunts, caught up with a lot of old friends and rekindled a lot of memories. Magic! Now back to Australia and reality, but the magic continues – the 50th Anniversary Concert for The Tudor Choristers was an amazing and joyful occasion. It included a specially commissioned work by composer Andrew Aronowicz; a choral setting of the words of my poem ‘In Places Where They Sing’.

While I’ve been away, my poem ‘Grumpy Old Poet’ has appeared in Pearl Magazine.

‘Lines Dancing’ is now available on Amazon.